Louis Schanker Prints 1924-1971 In addition to providing personal information about Schanker, this website traces many aspects in the development of Modern Art in America from the 1920's to the 1980's. We hope that you find it both educational and enjoyable. For those inquiries as to where Schanker's works can be purchased- We are an educational site and much of what is shown is in museums and private collections. His works can be found for sale at Susan Teller Gallery in New York City and Mercury Gallery in Massachusetts as well as other galleries and venues. Louis Schanker 1903 -1981
printmaker, painter, sculptor, educator
60 years of experimentation
*Protest*WPA images*The Ten*
*biography*Smithsonian interview*
*students*the studio*photos*
Pollock-Krasner House 2018 Exhibition Books
Louis Schanker, The Hamptons Connection
Louis Schanker, The WPA Years
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